Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall are able to offer residential litigation for both landlords and tenants to ensure disputes are resolved and the right advice is given.
With landlords facing an ever-growing number of tenant obligations and serious sanctions for non-compliance, a landlord’s need for clear and precise legal advice at an early stage is greater than ever.
Our expert team will be able to advise and guide you through the minefield of obligations and duties the law imposes on landlords of residential properties. We also provide advice and assistance on any other aspect of landlord and tenant law including:
- Tenancy deposits
- “Healthcheck” service for existing tenancies
- Preparation and service of notices
- Possession
- Breach of tenancy agreement
- Disrepair
- Status of occupation and security of tenure
- Rent arrears
- Unlawful eviction and/or harassment
- Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Landlord obligations
If you are in dispute with your landlord regarding an issue in your tenancy such as rent arrears or have received notice seeking possession of your property, or need advice regarding how to go about recovery of your deposit, our expert team can provide advice and assistance on all matters relating to your tenancy.
Should you believe your property is in disrepair or you have a query regarding unlawful eviction or harassment of you by your landlord then telephone a member of our team for a chat to discuss your options.
Need expert advice?
To discuss any aspect of this area of law please contact;
- Katie Wright at our Clitheroe office on 01200 408300